Why not wear a prayer?
Sometimes we need some small place to breathe and be ourselves, to feel natural and whole–throughout the day and night time too…and so Breathe In Nature was created to spark a breathing space for everyday clothes. Why not raise the energetic value of what we wear?
We believe human beings are good, and the love and high hopes we have for ourselves and others can be externalized as an artistic expression and vibrational match to the soul. And so we love to wear our heart on our sleeve ala pristine designs for apparel.
And so now…via T-shirts, mugs, accessories and other items, you can enjoy a fine collection of sacred geometric forms and great images direct from nature, with the divine design of nature to enhance our living experience. You are invited to check out the website and browse our collections of sacred geometric forms and original images as you like.
An effort has been made to keep quality high and the cost as low as can be managed. We utilize Print Providers in the U.S.A where we can be assured it is a sweat-shop free environment, as often as possible–items fitting that perimeter are noted in the product description. The exception is an array of fine Organic Stanley Stella shirts printed in the Czech Republic and Germany–we utilize those printers for the fine collection of Organic Cotton colors, if they are not available in the U.S.A. I am hoping that if those Providers have the consciousness to provide Organic Cotton, they also are in the state of mind to care for their employees.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to help.

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